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Anglo Vedic Gurukul

Anglo Vedic Gurukul is an institution which has been opened with one purpose to educate the youth not only the Vedic culture but also equip them with Anglo education seplenic the modern science. The main focus of Gurukul is an imparting learning in a natural secrounding where the students will be laight to line with harmony,lone and discipline. Emphases will also be laid on arts, sports, crafts so as to develop their intelligence and crilical thinking. Achinties such as Yoga, meditation and mantra chanting will also be a part of daily schedule. All these will help to increase the intellect and mindfulness which is necessary today to face the world that lies ahead.

We Promise- A modern Infrastructure where focus will be given on practical knowledge. This can be done be creating a perfect combonation of academics

Holistic Education - It will work on a value based explain where focus can be given on the uniqueness of the child so that they can excel in thus area of intrest.

Skill Development will also be promoted as to make the child career oriented from the beginig.

The realtion between student and teacher will be given importance. Efforts would be made to insure a friendly relation where a child feels secure. This will be through the use of activities,training workshops to bond with the students.

Our very ideology is the concep of balanced life where every child is nurtured with the ethics that will develop him into a wholesome human being.